gua sha vs jade roller


face roller vs gua sha

Jade roller and jade scraping are our main products, and rose quartz is also the most popular material. Rose quartz drum and rose quartz sand scraping! Although they may not appear on your Instagram feed until recently, these tools have actually been a staple in Chinese skincare routines since the 7th century. In addition to believing that the stones used in these tools have healing and protective effects, the use of facial rollers and sand scraping tools is also thought to help promote blood circulation, promote skin cell regeneration, reduce swelling, tension or stress, and allow skincare products to penetrate more deeply. 

When you search around for these facial massage tools, you will also see that the word “lymphatic drainage” is mentioned a lot. Basically, lymphatic drainage removes bacteria and toxins from your system. Less toxin = brighter, healthier, younger skin! It is believed that most skin problems can be rooted in stagnant lymphatic flow. When these bacteria and toxins are not properly excreted, they can cause mild infections on the skin, which are painful and take a long time to heal (think of cystic acne or acne scars, etc.). These rolling or massage movements of facial rollers or sand scraping can help relieve potential infections and stimulate the system to actually start moving. 

So what’s the difference between facial curly hair and sand scraping? 

Face rollers, like common jade or rose quartz rollers, are quite straightforward and easy to understand. They are usually a more soothing treatment, helping to quickly stimulate blood flow and remove puffiness. On the other hand, the effect of sand scraping is much deeper, and if used properly, it will be much more powerful. It can help relieve muscle tension, which jade rollers cannot do, and can play a greater role when dealing with deep wrinkles or deeper cystic conditions. 

The working principles of these tools are very similar, but you can see more sand scraping effects. However, it does take time to learn how to use them correctly, so facial rollers may be a better choice for sensitive skin or acne-prone skin because they are looking for a quick and soothing treatment. and there is no time or willingness to devote to sand scraping rituals!

Deyi Gems – Leading Jade Roller & Gua Sha Wholesale Factory in China