How to Use Jade Roller on Face | Face Roller Benefits

blue aventurine roller
blue aventurine roller

What is Jade Roller

Facial rollers have surged in popularity in the U.S. over the past few years, and jade rollers have long been used in traditional Chinese medicine for health and beauty. This tool originated in the Qing Dynasty in China and is most prominently used in traditional Chinese medicine treatments such as herbal medicine, acupuncture and scraping. Royal elites use it to promote good health while also enhancing beauty and slowing the aging process.

The function of the jade wheel has also changed over time. The original intention of the roller is not just to solve the problem of facial aging. Its purpose is deeply rooted in the principles of traditional Chinese medicine – to help stimulate the meridians, qi and blood, so as to achieve the purpose of health and longevity.

Most face rollers are made of jade, a semi-precious stone that is smoothed and attached to a convenient handle. You can also find them in rose quartz, amethyst, and even metal. Grooming tools are designed to turn you over, relax any tense muscles, increase circulation, and massage your skin. It can also be used all over the body for a head-to-toe self-care experience.


What are the Benefits of Using A Jade Roller?


1. Helps reduce swelling


One of the greatest benefits of a jade facial roller is its ability to smooth out your complexion. Fluid retention is a normal cause of facial puffiness—and can occur for a variety of reasons. There is more than one cause of puffiness, there are a few others as well. These include lying down for long periods of time, allergies, eating salty foods, menstrual cycles, and drinking alcohol.


2. Stimulate lymphatic drainage


A major benefit of the jade roller is that the massage action promotes lymphatic drainage. The lymphatic system transports fluids and filters toxins in our body. Massaging the face and neck can stimulate the lymph nodes to drain facial fluids and reduce the appearance of puffiness.


3. Calms irritated skin


Not only does the Jade Roller provide a pleasant cooling sensation, but it also helps reduce redness and calm irritated skin. In fact, Dr. Perano recommends that you “put your tumbler in the refrigerator before using it for extra power.”


4. Brighten skin tone


There’s a very specific reason that jade rolls can brighten your complexion, and it has to do with the origins of facial massagers. In Chinese medicine, we call it Qi and blood entering the face, improving the circulation of Qi and blood to your life force – your essence manifested through your face and eyes. ”

In other words, blood circulation and skin tone are closely linked. With blood circulation, your skin looks brighter, firmer and healthier. Results are temporary, but proper diet and exercise can also help prevent water retention.


5. Improve product absorption


The ability of jade rollers to promote product absorption is often overlooked. Jade rollers should be used with serums to distribute the product deeper into the skin. Whether you’re tackling dark circles or fine lines, a jade roller ensures that no drop of skincare is wasted.


6. Suitable for all skin types


Yes, everyone can – and should – use a jade roller. Pretty much anyone can use it, and it’s unlikely to cause any negative effects, making it a very safe product. So no matter what your skin type is, you will definitely benefit from using a jade roller in your skincare routine.


How to use Jade Roller Correctly


Step 1: Add the product to your face

Before you reach for your roller, be sure to clean your skin. Then, apply the serum or oil on your clean face, making sure not to rub it all the way into the skin so that the jade roller can glide over the skin without pulling.

Step 2: Start with the collarbone and neck

Starting at the collarbone, gently roll firmly from the midline of the body to the edge of the collarbone. When you pass the ball with the wheel, move the wheel up one step and take another line.

Then, you’ll want to move to the neck in a similar fashion. As you reach the neck, continue to move outward from the centerline and up the neck. Don’t forget to target the sides of the neck and under the chin as well. Press and slowly move up to the base of the neck and chin. This gentle pressure provides a stress-relieving massage to your neck while promoting blood circulation.

Step 3: Transition to your face

Now is the time to get your facial muscles involved. Follow the same pattern as for the neck and collarbone while rolling up and out from the corners of the mouth toward the ears and hairline. Start on the sides of the nose and push outward as you roll. A light touch is key – if you press hard, the jade can accidentally rupture capillaries and leave tiny red marks on your face.

Step 4: Apply small stones to your eye area

If you’re using a double-sided roller, switch to small stones. The added dexterity makes it easy to target puffy under-eye circles and feel cool (especially in the morning). Just roll out from the inner corner of the eye. Because the skin under and above your eyes is very delicate.

Step 5: Clean the rollers

You’ll also need to sanitize the roller before putting it away for later use. Excessive rolling without cleaning the jade roller can irritate or even damage the skin. So be sure to use it sparingly – clean it after every use. This will help prevent bad consequences in the future.

To clean, use mild soap or baby shampoo, then rinse in lukewarm water. Finally, roll it up with a clean towel to dry.


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